In this science fiction film, a futuristic city depicts the work of a mad scientist who creates a robotic woman in the form of Maria, another character. Although the science behind this part in the film may have not been very thought out, there has been a push within the modern scientific community to create sentient, robotic beings. Take a look at the 1927 version of robotic science. Another movie, the trailer posted below the older one, tells about a military robot that short circuits and causes mayhem around a town.
As I stated before, this concept of robotic creations is not entirely fiction at all. Take a look at this very real prototype of a humanoid robot. It's a bit creepy to me, but it's also interesting to see just how far we have come in the field of androids. These androids could possible be used in battle as a way to limit civilian casualties, and sustain life for a little longer. Robots could also be used as a sort of test subject for new military weapons.
It is even believed that military robots could one day replace service dogs in battlefield. I was especially happy to know this, because one of the things that always breaks my heart is hearing about dogs dying in service. These new animal-like robots, like the one down below, could replace real animals in the field while still providing companionship for soldiers. They are a bit unsettling to watch, and they are still in the first phases of their development, but it does make me wonder about the many other possibilities for these robot companions.
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