When I began looking for ways in which England is utilizing the Internet of Things, I came across a conference that took place in London. This conference focuses solely on the Internet of Things, and how these "things" can help us create better and more practical ways of implementing different hardware and infrastructures. This conference looked at how the Internet of Things could positively affect the medical field, urban grids, and manufacturing. A large concern that was addressed was the importance of privacy, and keeping consumer data confidential.
Because the Internet of Things seeks to provide easier ways for us to accomplish tasks, its technologies inevitable require a bit more trust than they had done before. The purpose of this conference that took place in London was to look for ways to build that trust within the consumer population, so they are more likely to adopt a few items that fall into the Internet of Things categories.
The Internet of Things: Data Warfare
So, what does all of that mean within the context of my blog? Well, many experts believe that the next military move will be wuthin the technological, software realm. Data Warfare is a new idea that has only recently emerged, and defines as a way of conducting war over networks by stealing or looking at secret, sensitive consumer and civilian information. In essence, data warfare is the fear that the creators of the International IOT Conference that I spoke about before have been trying to dispell through conversation. I do believe that data warfare is the next new frontier of military technology, because if valuable man-power and countless dollars did not have to be spent on the ground, why wouldn't some states seek to switch over to using networks?
This picture depicts the possible outcome of a war fought over data. Imagine, instead of say a full on nuclear attack, an enemy country simply steals private information from some of our military satellite. This technique could prove to be even more damaging to our infrastructure than a physical military attack.