Friday, May 5, 2017

Social Media and the Military

Mindfulness: Can social media cause a threat to national security? 

Many experts believe that yes, the use of social media could possibly pose a danger to our national security. Loved ones of those deployed might innocently post a picture of their soldier abroad, or write a post about how much they miss them, and may reveal sensitive information. This quote from re-states this issue in much more concise terms.

"Soldiers, Army civilians and family members need to be mindful of what they put online, with operations security at the forefront of their considerations, said Staff Sgt. Dale Sweetnam, with the Online and Social Media Division, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs.
He said this applies to whether the person is a Soldier or Army civilian communicating as an organization or as an individual on social media sites.
"Once it's out there, it's out there," he said. "You can delete it, but if the wrong person took a screen shot, that's actionable intelligence and you can't get that back."
What about the way the military could use social media against us? This video down below truly highlights the way we could be manipulated by the very platforms that some of us have built our lives around. 
